Understandable Cyber Security for Business Leaders

Cybersafe is a Cyber Security Programme that offers tailored and proactive defence to businesses, helping them to strengthen cyber defences, detect vulnerabilities, and stay one step ahead of potential cyber attacks. Benefit your business today – Become Cybersafe.

Enhance your Company's Cyber Security

Cyber Essentials Certification

Cyber Essentials Certification

Securing your Cyber Essentials Certification not only bolsters your defence against digital threats, but also underscores your dedication to protecting sensitive data. This step can significantly elevate your business's credibility.
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Cybersafe Digital Podcast

Cybersafe Digest Weekly Podcast

Stay ahead of the curve with Cybersafe Digest Weekly Podcast. In each episode, we decode recent cyber attacks and provide in-depth analysis, making cyber security easy to understand and follow.
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Cyber Threats Weekly Update

Cybersafe Threats Weekly Update

We send all the latest cyber threats straight to your inbox. Help your employees be aware of what to look out for. Become Cybersafe with our Cyber Awareness emails.
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Is your business at risk of attack?

Cyber threats, including phishing, denial of service, malware, and ransomware, are increasing. The rise of AI adds new risks, enabling potent attacks and vulnerabilities in AI applications. Many UK businesses have already been affected this year.

Don’t let your data fall into the wrong hands. Protect your business with Cyber Essentials, a proven framework for cyber security. By implementing Cyber Essentials, you can demonstrate your commitment to cyber defence and gain a competitive edge.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – secure your business with Cyber Essentials Certification!

Be Cybersafe with Cybersafe.co.uk - Get a managed cyber security service

About Us

Why choose Neuways for your
Cyber Essentials Certification?

Neuways is your partner in achieving Cyber Essentials Certification. Our team of experts is ready to guide and advise you throughout the process.

We’ll help clarify which aspects of your network fall within the assessment’s scope and identify all devices on your network, a crucial step in ensuring their protection. Once we’ve identified these devices, we can align them with Cyber Essentials’ standards.

Neuways will also support you in completing the certification questionnaire, reviewing each section to ensure all necessary controls are in place. We’ll assist with the introduction of key policies and procedures designed to safeguard your business.

Before final submission, we’ll thoroughly review your completed questionnaire and highlight any areas requiring adjustment. Together, we’ll prepare these corrections for the final submission.

With Neuways, you’re not alone in your journey towards cyber security. Let us help you protect your business today!

Cybersafe Digest Podcast

Listen to our Cybersafe Digest Weekly Podcast! Each week, we will unfold the most recent cyber attacks and we’ll provide you with valuable insights on how to shield your business from these threats, along with practical steps and tips to enhance your cyber security.

The Cyber Security Policies Episode

The Cyber Security Policies Episode

Martin quizzes Toby on Cyber Security policies and what business owners need to be aware of internally with their technology.

Ransomware Episode

The Ransomware Protection Episode

Toby and Martin discuss Ransomware and how it can destroy a business from within, with just one unfortunate click.

Wireless networks episode (34)

The Wireless Networks

Martin and Toby converse about the security of Wireless networks at home and in the office, discussing how they are an avenue for clients.

Become Cybersafe

If you follow this guidance and work with us, you can pass the certification promptly and hassle-free. For more information, get in touch with us and we can provide you with all the information you need before starting your Cyber Essentials journey.

Did you know...?

0 %

85% of organisations suffered at least one successful cyber attack last year*


0 %

65% of the businesses experienced more than 6 days downtown after a ransomware attack*



The proportion of micro-businesses listing cyber security as a high priority  in 2023 – down from 80%*



Ask us

The real answer is that it depends on the size of your business and what processes you already have in place. If you have never had any cyber security in place then you need to work with a Managed Cyber Security provider to help instil these processes. 

Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus are both certifications developed by the UK Government to help organisations improve their cyber security and protect them against cyber criminals. Cyber Essentials Plus offers a more rigorous assessment process, including external testing and verification, to provide a higher level of assurance regarding an organisation’s cyber security defences. 

An organisation can undergo its Cyber Essentials Plus audit within three months of its most recent Cyber Essentials Certification.

The audit may be conducted either on-site or remotely and encompasses vulnerability scans of the organisation’s designated infrastructure. Additionally, the auditor will conduct assessments by observing users performing routine tasks on a selected set of devices.

Your questions answered

Common questions

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed, industry-supported scheme that helps organisations protect themselves against common online threats.

Any organisation, regardless of size or sector, that wants to boost its protection against cyber threats and demonstrate to stakeholders its commitment to cybersecurity should consider Cyber Essentials certification.

The scheme focuses on five key controls: secure configuration, boundary firewalls, access controls, patch management, and malware protection.

Organisations must implement the five key controls to a satisfactory standard. They then complete a self-assessment questionnaire and have it independently verified by a certification body.

Cyber Essentials involves a self-assessment questionnaire, while Cyber Essentials Plus requires an independent assessment of the organization’s security controls.

The time frame can vary depending on the current state of your cybersecurity, but generally, it can take a few weeks to a few months.

Yes, certification must be renewed annually to ensure ongoing compliance with the scheme’s requirements.

Certification can help protect against cyber threats, demonstrate to stakeholders your commitment to cybersecurity, potentially lower insurance premiums, and meet certain government contract requirements.