What is the Cybersafe programme?

Cyber shield

Cybercriminals and threat actors are constantly evolving, and businesses continually battle to update their cyber defences. With the amount of data at our disposal in 2024, keeping your business safe from online threats is more critical than ever. At Cybersafe, our team is here to simplify the cyber security process and help you understand why it is crucial for businesses of all sizes.

Understanding Cyber Security

Cyber security is like a protective shield for your business against online attacks. It’s all about safeguarding your computer systems and data from potential harm. Basic cyber security measures are essential to keep your valuable business information safe.

Cybersafe has developed the Cybersafe program, which allows us to enhance and protect businesses against cyber criminals looking to steal and ransom private and sensitive data. Our dedicated cyber security team will help your team understand what processes and frameworks must be assessed.

Why Cyber Security Matters for Your Business

Hackers and threat actors always seek ways to harm businesses by stealing data or spreading harmful viruses. Cybersafe offers cyber security services tailored to your needs, from setting up essential protection like firewalls and antivirus programs to more advanced solutions like vulnerability testing and Cyber Essentials certification.

This certification ensures that you have passed all the tests necessary to keep your data as safe as possible, which may mean your business is eligible for cyber insurance. As mentioned in previous articles on cyber insurance, your company may only qualify for cyber insurance if you have the proper protocols and frameworks in place.

Dealing with common threats like Phishing Attacks

Phishing attempts, where hackers pretend to send legitimate emails to trick you into revealing sensitive information, are a big problem. Cybersafe provides helpful blog posts to educate businesses on recognising and protecting against these attacks.

Cyber Security advice from Cybersafe.co.uk

We offer tips, advice and resources designed to keep your business safe. From setting up basic security measures to providing comprehensive guides and certifications, Cybersafe is here to help.

The last thing we want is for your business to experience a disaster because the proper protocols were not in place. Speak to your HR teams, IT teams, and C-suite-level employees, and tell them to get in touch. We will be able to assist you in providing the right expertise and programs to keep your data safe.

Getting Cyber Essentials Certification

Our team can guide you through obtaining Cyber Essentials certification, showing that your business has substantial protection against common online threats. It’s a simple way to demonstrate your commitment to cyber security, with annual renewals to stay up-to-date.

Enhancing your credentials with Cyber Essentials Plus

For those wanting extra assurance, Cybersafe also offers advice on how to get Cyber Essentials Plus certification. This goes a step further than doing a hands-on check of your network.

Ultimately, cyber security for your business is an absolute must. Cybersafe can simplify cyber security and IT, offering tailored services to keep your business secure online.

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