4 things your business can do to keep yourself Cybersafe

Cybersafe image for blog post on ways to make your business Cybersafe

Cyber threats in the form of scams are nothing new. Every day, scammers seek out their next victims. Think your business is not worth targeting? Think again! It’s important to note that if you don’t keep your business Cybersafe, then you could be the victim of a cyber attack, even if you are not the intended target. Hacker’s do not sleep and they definitely do not discriminate. 

Here’s how you can keep your business Cybersafe

Hackers don’t need to know your bank balance to be interested in you. Your identity, financial data, and email contents are all valuable. Cybercriminals cast a wide net, hoping your business will not have the right Cybersafe Cyber Security frameworks. However, if, as a business owner, you have your team and employees signed up for cyber security training, then they will learn to recognise the signs!

Let’s start with basic “cyber hygiene,” simple and practical ways to protect yourself online.

1) Utilise Multifactor Authentication

This cybersecurity measure is also known as Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), Multifactor Authentication (MFA), and Two-Step Authentication. All these methods add an extra layer of cyber security and involve asking the user to confirm their identity before logging in. It can be set up using apps or phone numbers, but it does prevent security weaknesses on trusted websites and applications.

Your bank, social media network, school, and workplace all want to ensure you are accessing your information. Instead of relying solely on passwords—which can be reused, easily cracked, or stolen—MFA requires two forms of verification:

This second step is much harder for hackers to fake. So, use two steps to prove it’s you.

2) Update your software

Turn on automatic updates if possible. Cyber criminals exploit system flaws, and network defenders work hard to fix them quickly. Their efforts depend on us updating our software with the latest patches.

3) Managed Security Awareness Training

Have you ever seen a suspicious link that asks you to change or enter a password or verify personal information? It could be a text message or a phone call pretending to be from your email service, boss, bank, or a friend, claiming you need to provide information due to cybercrime.

This is likely a phishing scheme to trick you into revealing sensitive information like passwords, social security numbers, or credit card details. Once obtained, scammers use this information on legitimate sites and might trick you into downloading malicious software (malware). Sadly, phishing is more common than we realise. There are cyber security companies like Neuways that provide Managed Security Awareness Training, which allows companies to train employees on how to spot phishing attacks and avoid being the cause and victim of a cyber attack. 

4) Create a strong password

Here are tips for creating a strong password:

  • Long: At least 16 characters.
  • Unique: Never used elsewhere.
  • Generated randomly: Passwords are randomly generated using a password manager tool (worth investing in as a business, as they are better at being random than humans.

Avoid recycling passwords across different apps and websites. Use a password manager to store all your passwords so you don’t have to remember them all.

Keep your business Cybersafe

Being cybersafe is essential for businesses to succeed and grow. Our world is increasingly digital and interconnected. While we must protect ourselves, proper security requires collective effort. Take the four basic steps above and help two friends do the same.

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